Monday, 13 July 2015



It is pathetic to note that most of our wives, even those who are self-acclaimed spiritual mothers hardly call their husbands, lords. They prefer to call their husbands pet names like Honey, My dear, Sweetie, My love, etc.
In this piece, I will be addressing why wives should see their husbands as their lords and the roles and responsibilities of both the wives and the husbands. I will also be supporting my points with a biblical text, a text quite known to most people but only few give importance to it.
The foundation of the earth is based on principles, rules and regulations. In all ramifications of life, there are laid down rules guiding our dispensations and the supreme rule is the rule that comes from above, the principle of God. No rule or person is above this rule. Doing things the ‘God’s way’ should therefore be the clarion call of every believer.
Our God is a jealous God. He is a God that will never share His glory with anyone. He will never compare Himself to anyone and an act of doing so by anyone shall be declared as a blasphemy.
Few months ago during the presidential election campaign, a certain man called Okupe compared former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to Jesus Christ. It backfired. However, he never intended to blaspheme Christ, but to compare His burden on earth with that of the assumed burden of Goodluck, his boss. He got what he deserved. He was publicly criticized and condemned. I personally think he was lucky to have compared Jonathan to Jesus Christ and his life was never under threat because the church and the Christians are ‘peace makers’ and ‘gentle people’.  If he had compared Jonathan to the prophet of one of the other religion, it might have cost him his life!
Christ laid the foundation of marriage and accorded lordship to the husbands. He personally refers to the husbands as the Christ over their wives just as Jesus is Christ over the church. He gave the duties of both the wives and the husbands. He personally made the comparison; He shared His glory with the husbands therefore, let no one murmur!
Ephesians 5:22-25- “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the lord. For the husband is the HEAD of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the WIVES be unto their own husbands in EVERYTHING. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loves the church, and gave himself for it.”
1.       The wives are the ones to be submissive {respectful}.
2.       Wives must respect their husbands the same way they respect Jesus Christ.
3.       The husbands are the ones given the mandate to love.
4.       Husbands must be ready to give {sacrifice} their lives to for their wives if need be.
5.       Husbands are the head of the wives.
6.       The wives are to be submissive to their husbands in everything, not even in some things!
7.       The wives are the bodies that need to be decorated and taken care of.
A.      A man should not marry a woman he respects {he is submissive to}.
B.      A woman should not marry a man she loves.

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