Tuesday, 21 July 2015

South African Snake Pastor Arrested

 South African Preacher Arrested After Feeding Congregation Snakes

A preacher in South Africa is to appear in court Monday on animal cruelty charges after feeding is congregation live snakes. Pictured, a member of the Talba family holds snakes in Giza, 20 km (13 miles) south of Cairo, Jan. 10, 2007. Reuters
A preacher in South Africa who allegedly ordered his congregation to consume live snakes has been arrested on animal cruelty charges, RDM News Wire reported. Controversy ensued after pictures of the congregation eating snakes were posted on the church's Facebook page last week.
The controversial preacher, referred to as a prophet, is Penuel Mnguni of End Times Disciples Ministries in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria. Mnguni told his congregation the snakes would taste like chocolate. He is to appear in the Ga-Rankuwa Magistrate’s Court Monday to face animal cruelty charges brought by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty Against Animals.
“We are conducting a preliminary inquiry with an intention of opening a criminal case against him (Mnguni),” said Mishack Matlou‚ a society inspector, Nehanda Radio reported. “What we saw in the pictures is cruel. Imagine being eaten alive! This has to stop.”
Mnguni was the subject of controversy in the past when he made his followers eat hair and rags, claiming God has the power to make a person eat anything and that his teachings were based on scripture. He said he learned his extreme teachings from the Rev. Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Ministries, who forced his congregation to eat grass and drink petrol.
“So far I have faced a lot of persecution from people and pastors around me," Mnguni said, South Africa Latest News reported. "They say what I do is not from God but when they come to the service and listen to me preach they think otherwise."
The End of Time Disciples Ministries has about 100 to 150 followers and is inside a small tent in a poor area. South Africa Latest News said followers come from as far as Limpopo and Botswana for Mgnuni’s “impartations.”

Monday, 13 July 2015

The Forbidden fruit

Few years back, I remember my sweet sister telling me not to eat the forbidden fruit. I was still single then so you can understand what she was trying to say. While I was still single, i eventually ate the forbidden fruit. Not that i actually wanted to disobey her but the lust for the foridden fruit was simply irresistible. I found the forbidden fruit to be sweet, spicy and satisfactory. I ended up eating the forbidden fruit quite a number of time.
We recall the story of Adam and Eve in the early days. God warned them against eating a certain fruit in the garden. They were forbidden from eating such fruit but what happened? They ate the fruit and they lost their place in the beautiful garden where they didnt have to toil or struggle to survive. 
What exactly is the fruit and what is its consequence? The fruit is the fruit from the tree of the knowledge. Eating the fruit makes man to think like the gods. We need at this juncture to note that this tree wasnt the only forbidden tree in the garden. There was also the tree of life that if man had eaten, man would have had total victory over death. Giving man equality with God. If man cannot die, then what is the difference between man and God?
The consequence of man eating the forbidden fruit is both negative and positive. While some Christian scholars may want to argue that eating the forbidden fruit can never have a positive consequence. I put it to you that the fruit man ate is responsible solely for how we think today. It is responsible for our creativity and all our reactions on earth. Man has been able to do a lot of exploit because of the forbidden fruit. Talk about the inventions, the innovations, the desire to always create something new, the desire to create solutions to certain problem, that is exactly how they think in heaven but of course God knows the best. He knew that despite the positive things that might come from eating from the tree of knowledge, man would use the same knowledge to commit a lot of atrocities. Man would think unbelievably, wild and certainly inhuman.
Some times we imagine why man would do certain things but what else do you expect from him after eating the forbidden fruit? I will highlight few of the aftermath of the consequences of the forbidden fruit.
1. Sometimes we ask why on earth should a man(women) think of sleeping with animals. Don't blame him, he has eaten the forbidden fruit.
2. Where did the thought of man sleeping with man (gay) and woman sleeping with fellow woman(lesbianism) come from. Don't think too far, he has eaten the forbidden fruit.
3. The American just passed a bill to legalize gay and lesbian marriages, and Christians around the world are frowning, don't blame them, it is as a result of the forbidden fruit.
4. Today, some young guys spend millions of dollar to purchase doll as marriage partner, we ask why on earth should someone be thinking about getting married to a doll? You cant blame him, man has eaten the forbidden fruit.

5. Some people now eat the flesh of fellow human being today. They said it tastes better. Man has eaten the forbidden fruit.
6. A lady at 22 has five children for five men. Pathetic? Don't forget that man has eaten the forbidden fruit.
7. Some people now have baby factory where they manufacture babies and sell to their respective clients either in piece or in pieces. This is as a result of the forbidden fruit.
I can continue to mention all day. The evil of man is certainly numerous but i need to draw a line here that what follows the eating of the forbidden fruit is curse. Even as we continue to exploit the knowledge that came from the forbidden fruit, as we think about creating a new life different to what God has established, committing atrocities and wickedness, we are endangering the wrath of God and might suffer from His course. Let us examine our way, the forbidden fruit might be sweet but its curse is extremely bitter. Be warned



It is pathetic to note that most of our wives, even those who are self-acclaimed spiritual mothers hardly call their husbands, lords. They prefer to call their husbands pet names like Honey, My dear, Sweetie, My love, etc.
In this piece, I will be addressing why wives should see their husbands as their lords and the roles and responsibilities of both the wives and the husbands. I will also be supporting my points with a biblical text, a text quite known to most people but only few give importance to it.
The foundation of the earth is based on principles, rules and regulations. In all ramifications of life, there are laid down rules guiding our dispensations and the supreme rule is the rule that comes from above, the principle of God. No rule or person is above this rule. Doing things the ‘God’s way’ should therefore be the clarion call of every believer.
Our God is a jealous God. He is a God that will never share His glory with anyone. He will never compare Himself to anyone and an act of doing so by anyone shall be declared as a blasphemy.
Few months ago during the presidential election campaign, a certain man called Okupe compared former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to Jesus Christ. It backfired. However, he never intended to blaspheme Christ, but to compare His burden on earth with that of the assumed burden of Goodluck, his boss. He got what he deserved. He was publicly criticized and condemned. I personally think he was lucky to have compared Jonathan to Jesus Christ and his life was never under threat because the church and the Christians are ‘peace makers’ and ‘gentle people’.  If he had compared Jonathan to the prophet of one of the other religion, it might have cost him his life!
Christ laid the foundation of marriage and accorded lordship to the husbands. He personally refers to the husbands as the Christ over their wives just as Jesus is Christ over the church. He gave the duties of both the wives and the husbands. He personally made the comparison; He shared His glory with the husbands therefore, let no one murmur!
Ephesians 5:22-25- “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the lord. For the husband is the HEAD of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the WIVES be unto their own husbands in EVERYTHING. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loves the church, and gave himself for it.”
1.       The wives are the ones to be submissive {respectful}.
2.       Wives must respect their husbands the same way they respect Jesus Christ.
3.       The husbands are the ones given the mandate to love.
4.       Husbands must be ready to give {sacrifice} their lives to for their wives if need be.
5.       Husbands are the head of the wives.
6.       The wives are to be submissive to their husbands in everything, not even in some things!
7.       The wives are the bodies that need to be decorated and taken care of.
A.      A man should not marry a woman he respects {he is submissive to}.
B.      A woman should not marry a man she loves.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Same Sex Marriage? America cannot be wrong!

The influence of America and her culture on the church in Nigeria is monumental. Although Christianity did not come from America, America was as gentile as Nigeria as far as the salvation program of God is concerned, people here have come to see America as the standard of Christianity. Any minister of God who travels to America to preach, even though to less than two dozen people, leaving the hundreds of brethren in his congregation behind is considered a big and successful minister of God.
Here we have adopted the American style of worship. Our musical instruments are American; our lyrics are American. Our ministers dress American; some even mimic popular American preachers sounding miserable in the process.
When our brothers, (Americana pastors) came back from America, they began to tell us that it no longer matter for our sisters to cover their heads in prayer meetings. Everybody (except some few "conservatives") said yes; America cannot be wrong. Later they told us that since women wear trousers to church in America, it no longer matter for sisters here to do same. Everybody complied; America cannot be wrong! Recently, men come to church with braided hair while women come with "skin" haircut, many are in church with tattoo and men wear ear rings. We all sing, jump and shout together in church in the American way; these things do not matter because that is what they do in America and America cannot be wrong!
Now American men are marrying themselves in church and their women are doing the same. Soon American churches will be full of couples who are Mr Wood and Mr Wood married legally in the church and Mrs and Mrs Stones married together. America is always right! That is the position here!
Soon in Nigeria, shall also see Olu and Ade, two brothers in the church as couple, one in the choir and the other an usher?
I hope America will be wrong for once and something will really matter to the church in Nigeria!
Soon it will no longer matter in America for Mr Coal to marry his dog and for Miss Bush to marry her horse. Then, I hope it will matter to the church in Nigeria!
Brethren, for how long will the culture of America be the culture of the church? The "name it and claim it" faith movement came from America; also, the capitalistic Christianity where wealth is used to measure God's approval. Where is America leading the churches in our land?
Our bishops and reverends, I hope that after your next trip to America, homosexuality will still be a sin; I hope it will still matter?
We do not need any prophet again to know that the trumpet of the home call will sound any moment from now. How ready are you?
I hope the matter of eternity still matter to you?