Saturday, 28 February 2015


Our lives in danger for endorsing Buhari – Northern Christians forum

A group of christians under the umbrella of Northern Chris­tian Leaders Eagle Eyes Forum (NCLEEF) has raised the alarm that the lives of its officials are under serious threat follow­ing their endorsement of the presidential candidate of All Progressives Con­gress (APC), General Mu­hammadu Buhari.
Addressing the press yes­terday, Chairman of the Fo­rum, Pastor Aminchi Habu said President Goodluck Jon­athan’s tenure in the past six years was a disappointment to Nigerians; particularly Christian community which he claimed gave the president the winning votes in the 2011 general elections.
Pastor Habu said it was based on this failing that the Christian Forum decided to dish President Jonathan and endorse General Buhari who they believe could rid the country of insecurity and un­derdevelopment.
However, speaking to Sat­urday Sun in a telephone chat over the allegation and claims of the Forum, the executive secretary, Christian Asso­ciation of Nigeria (CAN), Northern States and Abuja, Professor Daniel Babayi ad­vised members of the group, as men of God, to stay off politics.
“We are not expected to be partisan, CAN as an institu­tion is apolitical, CAN as an institution does not, as a poli­cy, identify with any political party or candidate. So CAN cannot endorse any person or party”, Babayi said.
But Pastor Habu insisted, “Our decision to endorse Bu­hari was informed by our pa­triotic commitment to build a free, fair and a secular society where the inheritance should be justice to all.
“After the endorsement, our members, especially the Chairman of this Forum have continued to receive threatening phone calls and text messages, labelling them a sell-out group who have abandoned a Christian candi­date in the person of President Goodluck Jonathan.
“We supported the present government in 2003, 2007 and 2011, however after critical analysis, the Forum decided to endorse General Muhammadu Buhari based on abysmal performance, the security challenges, outra­geous corruption in public places, coupled with econom­ic downturn.
“Our enemies accused us of collecting N500 million from General Buhari, this ac­cusation is not wrong, but a blatant lie from the pit of hell. We charge anybody with con­crete evidence of any money collected by anybody on be­half of the Forum to come forward with such evidence.
“The endorsement of Bu­hari was done publicly, and not secret like our accusers will do, yet segment of cor­rupt minds are employed to water down the good inten­tion of the Forum which is to build bridges and promote peaceful co-existence without our complex diversity.
“We shall not betray our trust as religious leaders for any monetary consideration. We shall do everything hu­manly possible within our calling to protect the interest of our image.
“We are therefore calling on the Christians not to be deceived by these religious bigots and shun sentiment by voting the right candidate in the forthcoming general elec­tion”.

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