As Nigeria’s
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) maintained that the
building collapse at TB Joshua’s church premises which killed more than
70 people on Friday was caused by structural errors to the constuction
thereof, TB Joshua apologist, Ihechukwu Njoku, below writes promoting an
aircraft conspiracy theory propagated by the preacher TB Joshua. (Related: An expert comment by a South Africa based Senior Civil Engineer)
By Ihechukwu Njoku
The terrorist attack alleged by Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua as the cause of a guest-house collapse in his church on Friday 12th September 2014 has taken a new development with the release of a picture claiming to reveal the ‘strange aircraft’ involved.
A Facebook post from ‘TB Joshua Ministries’ stated a South Africa visitor named Shadrack Mamzini to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) took a picture of the suspicious aircraft on the day of the tragic incident.
Mamzini on Facebook. “It was something which w
as unusual in the way it looked. It did not look like a passenger pl
ane or an ordinary plane. My worry was that it was too low to the
Joshua had earlier narrated on Sunday 14th September 2014 how a
‘strange airplane’ had flown over the building four times before its tr
agic collapse, accompanying CCTV footage showing the planes
“By the time the incident happened and the man of God spoke about it, I went back to check all the photos I had taken,” Mamzini continued.
“I zoomed in on this picture where I saw the aircraft clearly.”
Several online commentators quickly suggested on Facebook that the
aircraft in question was a military transport plane. Dele Cooke from
Scotland observed, “That is a C130 Hercules. The Americans used to p
ush trays of explosives out of the tailgate in Vietnam. The Nigerian A
ir Force owns a few.”
Patrick from Zambia corroborated this assertion. “This aircraft looks to me like a Hercules C-130 – the propellers are pretty obvious…
Investigative bodies need to look into this incident closely,” he advised.
Paul Cevis, an American insinuated the same. “If the noise of its 4 tu
rboprop engines did cause the catastrophe, they need to sue the bui
lder,” he commented.
An online Nigerian traffic update site, ‘Gidi-Traffic’ further tweeted how
‘a military plane’ was sighted in Ikotun coinciding with the time
of the deadly collapse.
Various clips showing the security footage of the shocking incident
made public by Joshua on Sunday have elicited a wide spectrum of
reactions, the most popular version viewed over 350,000 times on Y
ouTube already.
The plane flying close to the building before not collapsed
“My German friends who are specialists in demolition of houses saw this and concluded immediately that it’s a “kontrollierte Sprengung” –
that was said in unison without hesitation,” one YouTube user known by the name Oxygen CX commented.
“This is a controlled demolition,” another YouTuber suggested. “The land underneath
the building was cleared with explosives first in order for it
to fall straight down. I’m a mechanical engineer and can vouch for this
In related events, a 48 hour ultimatum has been given to the Nigerian
government by The Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR) to m
ake public their investigations into the incident.
“The (SCOAN) location is far from any approach to the Ikeja or any ai
rport in Lagos hence it is abnormal for any plane to head for the
location at all,” the statement read, warning that the United Nations would
be informed if findings were not unveiled transparently.
The SCOAN released an official statement early on Thursday 18th
September, commiserating with family members of the affected and st
ressing its commitment to ensure “survivors are rescued, attended to w
ith the best medical treatment, cared for in the most humane and h
ospitable manner and reunited with their families, while those who p
assed on – martyrs of the Kingdom of God – are retrieved, identified a
nd treated respectfully.”
By Ihechukwu Njoku –
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